With Philippa, Dave and Nick

An Aussie podcast about genre fiction.

Pull up a chair and join us at the Pod Culture [Oz] virtual cafe table, where we chat about the important things in life – books, movies, tv shows and all kinds of gaming.

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Recent Episodes

Male zombie in a zombie hoarde
Episode 3: Zombie apocalypse – Worthy of Survival

This episode of Pod Culture [Oz] looks at the perennially popular zombie trope. We go from the vintage film White Zombie, to the revival film Night of the Living Dead, to the …

Listen to the episode here →
Four faces in profile on a colourful starfile background
Episode 2: Omega Point, sensates and space cannibals

This episode of Pod Culture [Oz] looks at the works of Jesuit Priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and his monumental work on the evolution of humanity, which he called the …

Listen to the episode here →
Studio microphone with coloured background
Where to find the Pod Culture [Oz] podcast

We hope you enjoyed Life in Lockdown, the first episode of Pod Culture [Oz], and have been intrigued by the hints about our upcoming episode on the Omega Point. Trust …

Listen to the episode here →
On Air neon sign
Welcome to PodCulture [Oz]: Life in Lockdown

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Pod Culture [Oz], a new Australian Pop Culture podcast about genre fiction. Your show hosts Dave and Nick, together with co-host and producer Philippa, …

Listen to the episode here →

About Pod Culture [Oz]

Pod Culture [Oz] is a podcast by a bunch of Aussie gamers who are genre fiction and pop culture aficionados.  Episodes are released monthly(ish).

What People Say

"Thanks for the podcast, as you can see, it's making me THINK. Which I always love."
“I listened to the Fairy Tale episode, and then I listened to almost all the other episodes because I was having such a good time..”
“I met a couple of mates who do an Australian podcast. Our listeners might be interested in their episode on the MCU and an article called 'The MCU is terrible and you demand better'...If you get a chance head over to Pod Culture Oz and check it out.”
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